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About Art

Art is a vast subject, including all kinds of pictures and sculptures.

Artists make art for many reasons. Sometimes, they just want to create something beautiful. But hundreds of years ago - when many people couldn't read - paintings were often designed to illustrate stories.

People have always argued about art - how to make it, what it should look like, and why.

In the past, artists have fought court cases, and even duels, to defend their ideas. But there are no right or wrong asnweres. What kind of art you enjoy is up to you.

There are almost as many ways of making pictures as there are artists. There are paintings, drawings, prints, collage and photographs that can be created by using pastels, acrylics, oils, crayons, pencils, watercolours and inks.

When oil paints were invented they revolutionised art. They do take a long time to dry, so artists can work slowly and since most oil paints are transluscent (slightly transparent), artists can biuld up colours gradually, in layers. Oil paints were first developed in northern Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries. Until about 150 years ago, artists had to make their paints by hand, grinding up colours and mixing them with drying oils. Today, you can buy ready mixed paint in tubes and tubs.

Note: excerpts taken from a book from my granddaughter's library.

(Didn't take not of the authors name but will endeavour to find out)

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